Category Archives: Human Nature
Whispers from Beyond: The World is Idea
We are Consciousness.
The World is in it’s essence a Idea conceived by Consciousness. Our personal life is a Idea in the form of a life story. Continue reading
Posted in Human Nature, Whispers from Beyond
Tagged consciousness, human, self development, self improvement, system of beliefs, world
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Whispers from Beyond: The Purpose of Creation
Looking from the Cosmic view, Purpose of the Creation is One:
Evolution of the materialized forms of Consciousness to the point of Self Discovery . Continue reading
Whispers from Beyond: The Seekers
A group of people we call here The Seekers are the ones who’ s priority in life is dominated by the search for the Universal Truth, which is the same as search for the Truth of Who They Are and is the same as a search for the Only True Reality. All these three are actually one and the same search. Continue reading